
Brandon and Roselyn: The Real Story

Happy Wednesday!

Today Brandon and I celebrate our 3 year wedding anniversary so I wanted to share the real story of how we ended up together. 🙂


So if I have told you the story before you know that Brandon and I met through friends and we were actually friends for a few years before we started dating. That’s all true.

What I didn’t tell you was everything that happened before and in between.

As you may know, I moved to Houston from California about 8 years ago. My friend Candace from California actually married a Texan, Brant, who was really good friends with Brandon growing up. When I moved to Houston they were literally like the only people I knew. Well them and my fiancĂ©. Yes, you read that right.. there was someone before Brandon believe it or not.

If you are a person who asked me how I ended up in Houston, I probably answered with “I moved here for a job”. Well, that’s partially true. I did work for Academy’s corporate office but I had never even considered moving out of California until my fiancé (at the time) asked me to because he got a job offer here as well.

Anyway, when that chapter of my life ended, I was a single gal in Houston. I didn’t move back to California because I actually really enjoyed the path my career was on at that time. Brandon and I continued to be friends. Seeing eachother at friends gatherings and parties and that’s about it. Two years go by and we became even closer friends, we started going to dinner just the two of us, movies, the rodeo, you get the picture. Well, during this time of just being “friends”, we were both casually dating other people. One day when one of the guys I casually dated asked me to be exclusive and I immediately said no. When I got home that I night I asked myself “why did I say no?” He was a great guy and probably everything most girls would want in a boyfriend. Then it hit me, I actually really liked Brandon.

Do I tell him? Do I let the feeling pass? Do I just whine about it to my best friends everyday?? Thank you for putting up with me Rach. 🙂

Well, one day I decided I should probably tell Brandon that I like him. I knew it was going to be a surprise to him because literally I would talk about how I didn’t want a serious relationship all.the.time. Well…I finally got the nerve to tell him…via email. YES guys I was so nervous to tell my FRIEND that I was totally falling for him and the only way I could do it was through email so I did just that…wrote him an email.

He called me immediately. And would you like to guess what he said??

I’ll give you a second to guess….

He called to apologize. He said “I’m so sorry if I was giving off the wrong signals, but I don’t want to be in a relationship right now.” Yup…totally rejected guys!! LOL

To make a long story short, we remained good friends. We still talked and texted all the time, but stopped the dinner and movie nights. It took him a whole 2 months to realize he actually did like me too. 🙂

From there, we moved pretty quickly actually. Almost like everything was falling into place and was just meant to be. A year later we closed on a house and Brandon surprised me with a proposal in our new house on February 15th, 2013 and exactly one year later we got married.

Kind of a funny story right?! It’s not exactly how one would dream up meeting the love of her life but man was it a happy ending!!

I just wanted to share this fun, real story with you all. Not much in life will go exactly as you have it planned in your head, but I promise you it will happen as it was meant to be!

And though I don’t really like talking about my previous engagement, I wanted to mention it here as reminder to my single friends that are on the search for love that I had to kiss a couple frogs too. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed this story guys! That’s the story of US.

xo, Roselyn

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7 thoughts on “Brandon and Roselyn: The Real Story


Hi! I'm Roselyn Weaver and I'm so happy you are here! I am a wife and mama of two living with with my family in Houston, TX. Here, I hope I can help you find inspiration for your everyday life and style.